Kristen W
Forum Replies Created
Kristen W
ModeratorHi Annabelle,
Glad it was helpful! 🙂 And yes, it’s very normal for your Passion Profile combo to ebb and flow a bit in different phases of your life. So it makes total sense that your Tribe Member side is extra prominent right now, since it’s been craving connection and collaboration since the pandemic.
And if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed right now, that’s totally OK and normal! We gave you a LOT to process in this course, and it clearly sparked lots of ideas for you (which I love to hear!). It’s no wonder your brain is spinning with all of this new insight! Here are a few things to keep in mind, which will hopefully relieve a bit of the overwhelm:
– You can go back through this course as many times as you need to, so if there are certain sections that you want to spend more time on (like the limiting beliefs, for example), you can revisit it whenever and however often you want.
– If the first action step you identified still feels out of reach, see if you can break it down even more. For example, instead of making your first step “get an accountability partner,” start smaller with something like “make a list of personality traits I’d like in an accountability partner.” Overwhelm is usually a sign that you’re trying to bite off more than you can chew, so you can take smaller bites! 🙂
– Remind yourself as many times as you need to that you do NOT need to have all the answers right now. Having a few ideas of things that feel exciting is a perfect place to be right now, and you may need to learn more or take a few small action steps in order to determine if an idea is right or not. Clarity comes from action, not thought!
– If you continue to feel stuck about how to implement all of the things you’ve learned in this course, that’s what 1-on-1 coaching is here for. Courses are a great way to learn a ton about certain topics and about yourself, but they’re DIY by nature, so there’s no one to hold you accountable for taking action and implementing — that’s why individual coaching is so powerful, because you have someone helping you get clear on what you want, figure out the next steps, overcome any limiting beliefs or roadblocks, and holding you accountable the whole way. Just something to consider, if that would be helpful!
Kristen W
ModeratorHi Annabelle,
I’m glad you’re feeling clear on your Primary Profile, since that will have the biggest impact on how you define/identify the right working environment for you. And just because you’ve struggled to find/sustain the level of connection you crave doesn’t make you a paradoxical Tribe Member at all! If anything, it reinforces how important that is to you and just shows that you haven’t found the right kinds of supportive environments in the past.
As for your Secondary Profile… from everything you mentioned, my strong hunch is that you’re a Secondary Side Hustler. A lot of how you described yourself lines up with the Side Hustler profile (not to mention the fact that you’ve gotten that result in the past when you took the quiz!). And the parts of the Firestarter profile you mentioned being most attracted to are not exclusive to Firestarters — they’re the qualities that tend to overlap with Side Hustlers, and even Tribe Members to an extent. You sound like a Primary Tribe Member, Secondary Side Hustler to me! 🙂
Hope that helps!
Kristen W
ModeratorHi (again) Mary! 🙂
I actually kind of love that you wrote this new intro post before remembering that you’d already written one back in December, because it shows even more clearly how much has changed (and how much YOU’VE changed) in just a few short months!
There are so many things I love about your update, but most of all I’m happy that understanding your Thriver profile has helped you get clarity around what’s most important to you work-wise (and life-wise) so you can make the right changes that will fit those needs/desires. And speaking of changes … yay for quitting a job that wasn’t right for you and making moves in a new direction!!
Also, THANK YOU for being such a powerful example to others that you do NOT need to be 100% qualified for a job to be seriously considered (and possibly even get an offer). So many people hold themselves back because of that, so I’m beyond happy to hear that you didn’t let that stop you. Please keep us updated on how the job search goes! 🙂
Kristen W
ModeratorHi Shona,
I agree, it sounds like you’re very clearly primarily a Thriver! And the fact that a lot of the values of a Tribe Member resonate with you (although maybe to a lesser extent than someone who’s primarily or fully a Tribe Member) makes me think you might have a bit of that too as a Secondary Profile.
In that case, I’d say it’s MOST important for you to evaluate your current work and/or look for work that first and foremost resonates with your Thriver values. You just might end up putting a little bit more emphasis on fulfilling work and a great team/culture than someone who’s a pure Thriver.
Hope that helps! 🙂
Kristen W
ModeratorBased on some of the values you mentioned here, it’s no wonder you’re feeling frustrated at this job. You value variety, but you said your work is monotonous and you have do to the same thing day-in and day-out. You value connection, but you work alone at home (and it sounds like that’s not just because of the pandemic, although that’s definitely made it worse.) You value growth, and you’ve tried to grow within the company by applying for other roles, but it never works out. So it only makes sense that you’re feeling drained and frustrated!
It sounds to me like you’ve been trying to make this job fit HOW you need to work, but you keep hitting a ceiling. So it makes sense that you’re ready to look for other roles and even other companies to see if you can find better alignment with your values.
If you haven’t yet, I would suggest trying the “Job Searching According to your Values” exercise in the workbook. It will give you a good framework for how to approach job searching a bit differently, with more of that values-based focus.
That’s for sharing more about your career story and your experience so far in the course!
Kristen W
ModeratorHi Jessica! Really happy to see you here AND in our Patreon community! 🙂
Your story is one I’ve heard all too often. I know a LOT of people who have felt that same sense that something was “off” in their job for a while, and yet they haven’t made a change because they think (or fear) that they are the problem, not the job. As in, “If only I could change my mindset,” or “Once I get the hang of this new assignment,” or “If I just try a little harder to make it work,” … then it would finally feel satisfying.
But all too often, that lingering feeling that something doesn’t feel right is just a sign that you and the job aren’t a fit. It’s kind of like trying to make a chronically unhealthy relationship work over and over again, before realizing you’re just not right for each other.
I love hearing that you’re doing some serious introspection and self-reflection to figure out what you REALLY want from your life & career, and I hope this course helps support that internal journey you’re on. I’d love to hear some of your “aha” moments as you work through the course!
Kristen W
ModeratorWelcome Jezer!
I’m so glad you found us and resonated so much with your Thriver profile. I very much hope (and believe) that this course will help you get a better sense about what’s felt “off” in your career so far, and also give you insight into what kinds of jobs might be a great fit for you moving forward.
Thanks for joining, and let us know how it’s going along the way!
Kristen W
ModeratorWelcome Gina! I love that our podcast has become a companion for you on your commute! 🙂
Really glad you’re here, and I can wait to hear more about what you learn about yourself & your working style/values as you work through this course. Happy New Year!
Kristen W
ModeratorGlad that was helpful, Amanda! Come back and let us know how that’s going. 🙂
Kristen W
ModeratorHey Amanda,
First of all, I’m so glad you get and appreciate our deeper approach to figuring out your passion & having a fulfilling career! Shifting paradigms is so crucial to the process.
Based on how you’ve described your current job (and previous jobs), I agree that a bridge job might be a great choice for you right now. Something to give you a little breathing room so you have the mental/emotional space to get clear on what you really want and how to get there. And, frankly, something to break the pattern you’re in, so you can see other possibilities.
In the name of shifting paradigms, however, I have some holes I want to try to poke in your fears. Sometimes, just by questioning your fears, it makes them feel less real and easier to overcome. So ask yourself:
— Who’s to say what “regression” in a career even means? (Sometimes taking a step “backward” allows for a huge jump forward, which all counts as progress in my book!)
— What if “progressing” in your career had more to do with how you FELT than how it looked on paper?
— How true is it that a bridge job HAS to pay significantly less than your current role?
— Even if a bridge job does pay less, what ways could you make it work short-time? (Remember, a bridge job is just a temporary stopping place anyway.)
— How clear are you on your requirements for a bridge job? Have you listed out your bridge job criteria? How likely is it that *nothing* will align with your needs?
Hopefully that helps you get into the headspace of questioning your fears before they take over and prevent you from trying something that might be a great next step.
Again, it’s totally normal to have fears about making a big change! Especially if you’re not sure how it’ll all work out. But it’s clear that your head is in the right place, and you WANT to try something new. So it’s helpful to get some practice in questioning/reframing your fears along the way.
Hope that helps!
Kristen W
ModeratorHi JoAnn,
I moved your comments to this topic, instead of keeping them as their own separate topics, so the forum wouldn’t get too crowded or confusing! 🙂
Thanks for that nice feedback about our podcast! You’re right that all of our podcast episodes aren’t on YouTube, but yes, you can find ALL of them multiple places, including here on Apple Podcasts or here on PlayerFM.
As to your question about your current job, it makes sense that you’re confused and frustrated by the fact that your job “should” be a good fit for you, based on your values, but clearly isn’t because you’re bored most of the time. And it’s even harder when you see other people enjoying the job, which can make you feel like, “What’s wrong with me for being so bored??” But it’s perfectly normal for a job to be ideal for one person, and seriously lacking to the next person. There’s nothing at all wrong with you for not liking this job, and I don’t think the answer is to try to force yourself to enjoy it.
Instead, I’m wondering if you might need to add a new value to your list — something along the lines of “growth” or “stimulation” or “variety” or “excitement” or “passionate.” Clearly you value being engaged in your work, and that’s the big missing piece with your current role. And knowing that can help you look for a new role that intrinsically interests and motivates you.
Hope that helps!
Kristen W
ModeratorHi Vick — I sent you an email this morning to set up a call about coaching. Looking forward to chatting with you soon!
Kristen W
ModeratorHi Vick — I’m glad this course clarified what’s been missing in your current work-from-home job! It sounds like, as a Side Hustler, you need the ability to be creative, have lots of ideas, brainstorm with others, and be constantly learning. Since you feel like you’re not learning much in your job right now, it’s no wonder you’re feeling restless and ready for a change.
You asked if getting an MBA is a good idea, and I think it could certainly help you scratch your itch for growth and learning, and it may also teach you how to implement your ideas. Without doing some 1-on-1 coaching with you and learning more about your situation, it’s hard for me to determine if that’s the right next step for you or not, but from what you described it sounds like it could be a good option. It’s certainly not the only way for you to get those needs/values met, but it’s one good potential avenue.
Kristen W
ModeratorWelcome Nikki! We’re glad you’re here.
It’s totally normal for your priorities to shift when you go through big life milestones, so it makes sense that your values evolved as your life changed. If your work doesn’t grow with you, though, then it can become more and more unfulfilling.
You’re in the right place, though, because this course will help you reevaluate your values and figure out how to connect them to your career in a way that fits you. I’m glad to hear that the first few videos have already started to get you excited about new possibilities! 🙂
Kristen W
ModeratorSo glad to hear my feedback was helpful, Charisse! I’d love to hear how your thoughts about this evolve as you continue to process it all and finish going through the course. 🙂