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    Mary S

    Hello I’m Mary,

    Originally from Michigan but have been living in Austin, TX for the past 8 years. My whole professional career(s) has been here in Austin. In one of my many bouts of unemployment, I took this quiz and signed up for the intro course, but never finished.
    I’m a Thriver through and through. Perhaps a touch of side-hustler or more accurately, forced to live the side-hustler life to survive.

    Today I finished the starter course because I’ve come to a point where I may not be able to afford to work at this company anymore. (And my therapist has been encouraging me to look for new opportunities…and my manager too sort of.) Taking the course and finishing this time has brought my anxiety down a bit and really figure out a different way to approach the job search. I tell you I’ve been to nearly every job search course they offer here in Austin.
    This course so far, has been more beneficial than the job coaching I had to take a loan out for. I’m finally able to look at my current job as a bridge job while I look again.

    Kristen W

    Hi Amber! So glad you found us and that your Firestarter profile resonated so accurately for you. If you’re a Firestarter who’s been acting like a Side Hustler for a while, then yeah, it totally makes sense that you’d be burnt out! That approach might work for some true Side Hustlers that you know, but for you, it’s not aligned with how you’re meant to work. Hopefully it felt like a relief to realize that there’s nothing wrong with you for feeling drained by doing things the Side Hustler way … you’ve just got to get back to your Firestarter values. Can’t wait to hear more as you go through the course!

    Kristen W

    Welcome Mary!

    I’m glad you came back to complete the course, and that it was so helpful and eye-opening for you! That’s amazing that this course has been more beneficial than the job coaching you experienced. Very few people (even many career coaches/counselors!) understand and are talking about this aspect of HOW you’re meant to work and how it aligns with your values. So I’m happy to hear that this approach is resonating for you.

    If you’re a Thriver who’s been living the Side Hustler life just to get by, I can imagine you’re probably exhausted! Now that you’re looking for a new job, you’ll be able to try this new approach to job searching (you’ll definitely want to do the Job Searching According to Your Values exercise in the workbook!) and search for jobs based on your Thriver values. I think that could make all the difference!

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience here. I know other people can relate!


    Hi Everyone from Australia!

    I’m Mitch (Firestarter/Tribe Member (Collaborate with people)/Side Hustler, ENFP) I’m 29 Years old and have worked in warehouses for most of my working life. I also have an Dual Diploma in Information Technology and Systems Administration. I worked in IT field for a while for a company but now do a little bit by myself at home while being a stay at home dad. I’m constantly trying to find my passion and who I am, and feel like I cant, so here I am.

    Everyday I have to be doing something that works towards finding my passion, making money from it and living my life. I believe I can be very exhausting to my wife at times because I really want to involve her in everything I do. I’m constantly coming up with Ideas and have began to pursue many of them only to lose momentum due to burnout. Its like Everything has to be done now. Its very tiring, so much so that I burnout at my other jobs because Id work so hard. I was the person people would come to, to get things done which felt a lot like them using me after a while. Sometimes I wish I would just be happy with going to a 9-5 but the purpose has never been there leaving me to think, “Is this it.”

    Hopefully we can work together to help me find my path, which I believe has to be running my own business or something, maybe even Real Estate. I Also resonate with Careers Counselling and Natural Medicine. Some sort of consulting role as I love giving advice too.

    Well Thanks for reading, That’s a little about me. Look forward to hearing back from you. Might have to book a session with you.

    Kind Regards


    Kristen W

    Hi Mitch! So glad you decided to join us for this course. 🙂

    Sounds to me like you’re a seeker with a lot of ambition and ideas. That’s an awesome gift! The challenge can be in choosing which of your many ideas and ambitions to follow through with, and then not working so hard that you burn yourself out before you can turn your idea into reality. The good news is, you’re clearly an introspective person who is very interested in getting more and more self-aware. So as you learn more about yourself, you’ll have an easier time choosing what to pursue and knowing what your limits are so you don’t burn out as often.

    This course will definitely help you with all of that, since at its core, this is a course about understanding yourself on a deeper level. And if you feel like you still need more individualized support after you’re done with this program, Rachel or I would be happy to talk with you about 1-on-1 coaching options.

    I hope you’ll come back and let us know how this program goes for you! Feel free to ask us any questions or share any insights you have as you’re going through it.


    Hi Kristen,

    Thank you for your reply. Yes definitely a seeker, but its continuous. Its like My brain looks at all options weighs everything out, takes others people suggestions on board and researches current work trends only to no avail due to clashing of morals, opinions, statistics and more. When are you available for a 1 on 1? Now?

    Kind regards


    Kristen W

    Hi Mitch,

    That makes perfect sense. It sounds like coming up with and researching the ideas isn’t the problem … it’s matching your career (or business) ideas with who you are as a person (values, desires, logistics, etc.) that’s the hard part. I totally get that. Deeply understanding your Passion Profile combo (along with other factors and qualities about yourself) makes it a lot easier to recognize what will be a good fit for you vs. what never will, even if it’s a great idea in theory.

    And yes, we do currently have a few spots open for 1-on-1 coaching clients. So if you think you might be interested in that, first read this page where we fully explain our process & offerings, and then fill out this sign-up form to talk to one of us about possibly working together.


    Hi Kristen Thanks for your reply,

    Oh and great webinar this morning (5am for me) lol.

    Are these the only payment options? Its a lot of money for a Single income family. It may work for us over 5-6 payments.
    Just asking, as if you never ask, you never know.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Everyone!

    I am Stefanie. Last year I was floundering after I had started a Phd., but was seriously doubting whether it was the right step for me. I started watching all these videos online on how to find your passion and have a fulfilling career, and all of them seemed convinced that you just had to pick your one true passion and make your career out of it. Well that put a lot of pressure on defining my “one true passion”. Eventually I found the passion profile quiz after googling: “What to do if you don’t know what your passion is”. One of your blogs came up and I did the passion profile quiz. I got Thriver and it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Instead of picking one of my passions to be my one and only, I could just do a job and save my passions for my free time. It was ok to feel like my job should be a smaller part of my life, instead of the thing I should be living for.

    I have been reading the blog and watching your online workshops for the past year and have gained so many new perspectives that seemed very relieving. I considered signing up for the virtual experience everytime it came up. Now I am once again at a crossroads where I am looking for jobs and I decided to commit and sign up for the PPSC. I am super excited and looking forward to getting to know me better, and how it can help me find a good job fit for me ( one that won’t take over my life, but enhance it in the best possible way ;). I feel like I may have some side hustler in me (many passions, love learning, like structured flexibility, get bored easily), so I am very interested in learning about the other profiles and seeing how it affects job searching.

    Kind regards,


    Kristen W

    Hi Mitch,

    Glad you enjoyed the webinar yesterday! Kudos to you for waking up at 5am for it — that’s impressive! 🙂

    And good question — we can absolutely talk about additional payment plans for 1-on-1 coaching, if you decide you want to continue with that. Plus, you may or may not have received an email to let you know about this yet, but we do offer a discount on 1-on-1 coaching if you sign up within 30 days of purchasing this course. So that would help, too!

    Kristen W

    Welcome Stefanie! So happy you’re here!

    It seriously makes me so happy to hear that discovering your Thriver nature has felt like such a relief to you. You’re right — it’s so much pressure to feel like you’ve got to pick ONE passion or career path and stick with it forever, even though that’s what so many people will tell you to do. And if you’re a Thriver/Side Hustler combo, that advice is going to feel particularly unhelpful … and just flat-out wrong.

    I’m really excited you’re here, and I hope you’ll let us know how this process goes for you! Feel free to pop in here to share any questions or “ah-ha” moments you have along the way. 🙂


    Good morning! I’m Karisa. I found the Clarity on Fire website through a blog link and I’ve been enjoying the site so much. I feel incredibly validated. My passion profile is Thriver. There is so much of the Thriver profile that’s resonating with me, but the biggest thing is about not feeling guilty for not being super passionate about my work. Honestly, if I could stay at my current or better income, I would be doing animal rescue and teaching yoga. 🙂 As it is, I’m working to become certified to teach yoga and I have volunteered with a local animal rescue for six years.
    In my current job, I feel like I don’t fit in, at least not with the people over me. I work in research and my principal investigator spends alllllll his time at work, and expects the staff to do the same. He hasn’t treated us staff with respect very much either, which leads to my not respecting him and a lot of resentment. I’ve worked there for five years and have job searched off and on for four of those years. Often I feel trapped, exhausted, and just not understood at all. Combine that with a difficult work environment where I was bullied at the beginning and just a lot of negativity in general and that has brought me down a lot. I’m really scared of going from the current environment to another one that’s the same and feeling trapped and bullied again!
    I’m working through the PPSC and I just listened to the Thriver profile video. At first, I thought maybe Tribe Member was my secondary profile, but after I listened to the Thriver profile, I realized that I don’t absolutely crave a connection to people at work. I like working in a team, but I don’t need to feel like part of a family at work. I haven’t listened through the whole program yet, but I was wondering about the observation that society expects workers to be Tribe Members. How does a Thriver live in a society that expects workers to be Tribe Members? For example, the thought of doing things with my boss and coworkers, like happy hour or some other outside work gathering, makes my skin crawl. There are one or two that I’d hang out with outside work, but not the majority of them. Writing this out, I think I still need to work on giving myself permission to say no to those sorts of things 🙂 But I’m hoping that you all have some additional insights. Thank you for this program, it resonates with me so deeply!

    Rachel E

    Hey Karisa!

    Thank you for joining us, I’m so glad you’re here! 🙂

    Man, I really get fired up when I hear Thrivers talking about how they’re expected to behave like Tribe Members at work. And more than that, they’re expected to want to stay late and work a ton for a boss who’s not giving them the respect and trust that they deserve! Like, who said that you should just be blindly loyal to anyone or anything, and grin and bear it no matter what??

    It’s natural to be afraid of transitioning to a new job, only to find yourself in the same circumstances as before. Toward the end of the PPSC we talk a little bit about this, and how to avoid that trap. Just know that it IS possible to discern the quality of an environment before you ever take a job. A lot of it has to do with getting comfortable asking questions in an interview setting. Kristen wrote an article once about that you may want to save and refer to later:

    And your intuition is right — The way to get comfortable with being a Thriver at work is definitely about giving yourself permission to be different from those around you, and also become confident and secure enough in yourself that if people judge you or misunderstand you, it’s not the end of the world. Learning how to say a graceful “no” is SO critical to your happiness! We can’t possibly make everyone AND ourselves happy at the same time. This reminds me of a couple of Side Chats we recorded a while back:

    How to not care what people think

    How to live more and work less

    I’ll be curious to hear what you think of all of the above, particularly after you’ve finished the PPSC!


    Rachel, thank you for your response! And oof, do I feel that side chat about not caring what people think. As a recovering perfectionist, I can definitely relate to being concerned about whether people like me. I’ve gotten reviews in the past that I was asked to work on my “emotional intelligence” and looking back, it was a bit of an insult because it felt like my boss didn’t understand me. When I had that review, I obviously wasn’t very happy with the job itself. There was a lot of stress and my team was much smaller (only two people as compared to five now). There was also an expectation that I now see was that I was to be a Tribe Member. I tended to be really conscious of that likability thing after that review but since healing my inner perfectionist I’ve had an easier time of being true to myself. I’ll come back after I get to listen to the other side chat. Thank you!

    Rachel E

    Hey Karisa!

    It’s so tricky with reviews, isn’t it? So much of it is up for interpretation! Just because someone is reviewing you doesn’t mean that what they’re sharing is accurate or reflective of who you really are. It’s quite possible that you’re actually very emotionally intelligent, but that you just didn’t care that much about your job and your boss interpreted your unhappiness in a way he could make “sense” of. It is ALWAYS good to put feedback of any kind through a filter before you automatically buy into it. I’m guessing what your boss said had very little to do with what’s actually true about who you are! Yes, definitely share your thoughts as you dive more into this. 🙂

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