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ParticipantThat’s super helpful, thank you! You’re spot on about the negative inner voice wanting to find the absolute perfect search terms to find the right job. I was looking at job descriptions and I found phrases that definitely don’t work for what I’m looking for, so there was a big a-ha moment there. I was also reluctant to look at the examples in the workbook because I was afraid that I’d take on something that didn’t feel true to me, but again that was the negative fear voice influencing me. I think I’m in a good position to go back and think more about the words that will fit my values.
ParticipantGood morning! I’m working through the PPSC section “Job Searching According to Your Values” and I am having a tough time coming up with the list of verbs for my ideal working environment. I’m a Thriver, and my top three values were balance, competence, and fun. I have a long list of the things I could be doing in my ideal environment, but I feel a block when trying to translate that into verbs. For example, I would like to do things like organize the team in fun activities like a potluck, create training materials for the team, and find new opportunities for career advancement for teammates and for myself. But I don’t know how to make that a nice little verb or verb phrase to look for. Not coincidentally, I believe, a belief is coming up for me here that I just won’t find the sort of place that allows me to have all this! I’m actually having an internal battle with my negative voice telling me it’s not possible because I can’t translate this into any verbs and my loving inner voice telling me that yes I can find this right where I am. So I’m hoping that getting some ideas for verbs can help me with this exercise and with this block too. Thanks!!
ParticipantRachel, thank you for your response! And oof, do I feel that side chat about not caring what people think. As a recovering perfectionist, I can definitely relate to being concerned about whether people like me. I’ve gotten reviews in the past that I was asked to work on my “emotional intelligence” and looking back, it was a bit of an insult because it felt like my boss didn’t understand me. When I had that review, I obviously wasn’t very happy with the job itself. There was a lot of stress and my team was much smaller (only two people as compared to five now). There was also an expectation that I now see was that I was to be a Tribe Member. I tended to be really conscious of that likability thing after that review but since healing my inner perfectionist I’ve had an easier time of being true to myself. I’ll come back after I get to listen to the other side chat. Thank you!
ParticipantGood morning! I’m Karisa. I found the Clarity on Fire website through a blog link and I’ve been enjoying the site so much. I feel incredibly validated. My passion profile is Thriver. There is so much of the Thriver profile that’s resonating with me, but the biggest thing is about not feeling guilty for not being super passionate about my work. Honestly, if I could stay at my current or better income, I would be doing animal rescue and teaching yoga. 🙂 As it is, I’m working to become certified to teach yoga and I have volunteered with a local animal rescue for six years.
In my current job, I feel like I don’t fit in, at least not with the people over me. I work in research and my principal investigator spends alllllll his time at work, and expects the staff to do the same. He hasn’t treated us staff with respect very much either, which leads to my not respecting him and a lot of resentment. I’ve worked there for five years and have job searched off and on for four of those years. Often I feel trapped, exhausted, and just not understood at all. Combine that with a difficult work environment where I was bullied at the beginning and just a lot of negativity in general and that has brought me down a lot. I’m really scared of going from the current environment to another one that’s the same and feeling trapped and bullied again!
I’m working through the PPSC and I just listened to the Thriver profile video. At first, I thought maybe Tribe Member was my secondary profile, but after I listened to the Thriver profile, I realized that I don’t absolutely crave a connection to people at work. I like working in a team, but I don’t need to feel like part of a family at work. I haven’t listened through the whole program yet, but I was wondering about the observation that society expects workers to be Tribe Members. How does a Thriver live in a society that expects workers to be Tribe Members? For example, the thought of doing things with my boss and coworkers, like happy hour or some other outside work gathering, makes my skin crawl. There are one or two that I’d hang out with outside work, but not the majority of them. Writing this out, I think I still need to work on giving myself permission to say no to those sorts of things 🙂 But I’m hoping that you all have some additional insights. Thank you for this program, it resonates with me so deeply! -