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Tagged: passion
- This topic has 200 replies, 52 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by
Rachel E.
September 6, 2016 at 1:57 pm #216
Kristen W
ModeratorHi Ashley!
Sounds like you’re definitely a Side Hustler through-and-through, and it suits you well! I love that you seem to have found a good balance that works well for you when it comes to mixing/matching previous jobs and personal projects. That can be a challenge for many Side Hustlers, so kudos to you for figuring out how to best juggle and combine your various interests!
It’s really amazing that you’ve done so well with your franchise business the past few years. Even if it’s not what you’re truly passionate about and you’re ready for a change, I can imagine that’s been incredibly beneficial for learning how to run a business. You’re SO well primed to now start your own business!
It sounds like you’re pretty clear about HOW you want to be working in the next phase of your career (online entrepreneurship), which is awesome. That was the main point of this Short Course, to help you get clear on HOW you should be working, based on your values & strengths. And now, naturally, you want to get clear on specifically WHAT you’d like to be doing — in this case, what kind of business you’d like to start. I have SO much to say on this topic that I have no idea how to condense it into a forum comment lol! If at all possible, I would really recommend that you join us for the Passion Plan Virtual Experience, which opens for enrollment next week — it’s meant to be the “next level” course beyond this one, and it’s main purpose is to help you figure out WHAT you’re passionate about. (The Short Course is about HOW you should be working, and the Virtual Experience is WHAT you’re passionate about.) That entire course is really meant to help you answer the question you just asked! (Psst, as a Short Course member, you’re going to get a pretty huge discount on the Virtual Experience, BTW!)
The one thing I would encourage you to do now, it would be to consider what might be the “golden thread” that ties together most/all of your many interests. For example, I am passionate about personal growth and raising consciousness, although that passion has taken many forms throughout the years (first I wanted to write a book, then I applied to grad schools to become a therapist, and finally settled on coaching). Figuring out that golden thread might help you settle on your business idea. And if you join us for the Virtual Experience next week, we’ll be taking you step-by-step through how to do that!
Great question, and I’m glad you’re enjoying this course so far! 🙂
September 6, 2016 at 11:51 pm #217Ashley H
ParticipantThank you Kristen! I appreciate your encouragement. I will think about the PPVE. Sounds like it might be just want I need.
AshleySeptember 7, 2016 at 12:32 pm #218Kristen W
ModeratorYou’re welcome! Feel free to pop in here anytime with questions! 🙂
September 15, 2016 at 5:08 pm #222Abby G
ParticipantHi Kristen,
It’s me, again. In need of some advice, again.
I ended up taking a new position about a month and a half ago. The offer was great-better pay, more vacation, closer to home- but am finding myself in the exact same boat now that I do with every job I take. Feeling bored, un-enthused, and trapped. I run out of work to do and as someone who likes to be busy and values achievement and constant learning, boredom is my worst enemy.
The first few weeks or months of a new job are always great and exciting, until the newness wears off and I find that I have no lingering interest in the company, industry, role, etc. With each new job I take I hope that things will be different, but they never are. In fact, I am starting to find that the initial time period of finding a new job exciting is quickly declining with each job hop.
I feel helpless. I know I want to experience something different but I just don’t know what that is. I like the stability and security of a normal job, but I don’t know if I’ll ever find a job that I can stick with. Wondering if I would be better off working for myself…..My Passion Profile was Side Hustler and I believe I have an overlap with Thriver as well.
Thanks in advance!
September 15, 2016 at 5:22 pm #223Abby G
ParticipantBtw, I just retook the quiz and got Thriver.
September 18, 2016 at 4:48 pm #224Kristen W
ModeratorHi again, Abby! It seems to me like, even though you’ve gotten much more clear on HOW you want to work (the setting, the environment, the level of stimulation/challenge, the hours, etc.), you’re still feeling a bit lost when it comes to understanding WHAT specifically you’d like to be doing and what will make you happy, which is totally normal. There’s nothing wrong with you for feeling bored, frustrated, and confused — it just means you’re ready for the next level of self-awareness and clarity … which is why I’m SO happy that I saw you signed up for our Passion Plan Virtual Experience! Because that’s exactly what we’re going to be exploring in that “next level” program. We’ll dive deep into WHAT is going to make you feel most fulfilled and happy, how to combine that with your work, and what action steps to take to make it happen.
As far as your two Profiles — it sounds like you likely have a Primary Profile of Side Hustler, and a Secondary Thriver Profile. It might help for you to go back to the “Secondary Profiles” video of the Short Course to get ideas on how to balance two competing profiles (which might also help with your confusion and overwhelm).
See you in the PPVE! 🙂
December 25, 2016 at 10:46 pm #252Jessica R
ParticipantHi! Okay so I took your course, but I still feel so lost. I found myself back to step one. I am an 18 year-old-freshman in college. And I am so lost on how to pick a major that best fits me. I want something that will lead me to a job I love. I’m a thriver and a little bit of a tribe member. I am attracted to fulfillment, balance, connection, creativity, stability, fun, collaboration, competence, leadership, and comfort. I want a career that won’t be the same routine every day, gives me a sence that I did something to help the world, pays well, has a good job outlook, and will still give me time for vacation and family time. I am a people person too! I’m majoring in Computer Information Technology and I really don’t like it. I mainly chose it because it has a good job outlook and it pays well. However, jobs with my major are sooooo antisocial. Collaboration and connection are things I really value. I don’t want to be sitting in front of my computer in an office all alone for a long time. The last thing I want is a mediocre life. I want to travel and impact people’s lives. I just don’t know what major to pick for that. I’ve also taken the Myers-Briggs personality test and I am an ENFP. ENFP are basically creative and entertainers. I don’t live in Hollywood, and am an awkard gawky silly person haha. And all the other options they have for ENFP either dont pay well, or their just dont have good job outlooks. I just seriously need help. How do I pick a major I will like and not hate? After taking your course I decidedcd to change my major to either finance or accounting because those careers are stable, and give good hours…. but I don’t know if I’m making the right decison here. People say to do internships to find out if it’s something I will like but I have NO TIME for that. I’m a student athlete. I run track and field, and I have practice every day from 4 to 6 pm. Sooo what types of majors do you guys recomend for me? Or what are some steps I can take to decide what major to pick? What steps do I need to take to visualise what kind of career I want? Please help me. I need serious help.
January 2, 2017 at 2:31 pm #255Kristen W
ModeratorHi Jessica! Sorry for such a delayed response to this. Rachel and I have been on winter break for the past couple of weeks, so we weren’t at our computers very much.
First I want to say, it’s totally normal for you to still feel lost when it comes to picking a major in college. There’s so much pressure to make the right decision (and most of that pressure we put on ourselves!), so it can make you feel paralyzed by indecision. This is SUCH a common challenge, and you’re definitely not alone in feeling this way. In fact, I’ll bet most of the students at your school feel this way! I know I did when I was 18.
You’ve clearly already learned so much about what you want and what you value from this course (and from other sources, like the Myers-Briggs), and I can tell you from coaching hundreds of people by now … you’re so much farther along than you think you are! You’re asking deep questions that many people never start asking until their 20s, 30s, or even older! You may not feel like it right now, but you’re ahead of the game. 🙂
As you’re considering potential majors, I want you to make a list of the options you’re most considering. Then run each option through the filter of the values you listed above. For example, if you’re considering accounting, ask yourself, “From what I know of accounting jobs, will that path allow me to feel fulfillment, balance, connection, creativity, stability…” Think about the job itself, as well as the lifestyle it would allow you to live (including money, time freedom, learning potential, etc.). If you don’t have enough information, you don’t necessarily have to get an internship if you don’t have time for that (which I’m sure you don’t, as a student athlete!), but try to set up a few informational interviews with professors or other people who are already working in those fields. Ask the questions you most want to know the answers to, so that you can get enough info to determine if that path is likely to align with your top values.
Also, it can help to paint a visual mental picture of your ideal job. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to clarify that (remember, you’re describing your IDEAL job):
– Are you working alone or with other people?
– If you are working with others, are you in charge of them? Collaborating with them? Supporting/serving them?
– How many people are around? How big is the company you’re working for?
– What’s the setting like? Describe the work culture.
– What are your work hours like?
– How much solo work vs. collaborative work are you doing? How is your time split between the two?
– How important is the “why” or mission of the company?
– Would you rather be an expert in something or be a jack-of-all-trades who gets to try different things on new projects?
– What kinds of things are you doing during the day? Writing? Traveling? Running meetings? Being artistic? Brainstorming? Building something? Etc.Hope that helps!
January 4, 2017 at 8:08 pm #256Kayla B
ParticipantHi Ladies!
I just finished the PPSC and it was wonderfully eye-opening! I am through and through a Thriver, and it feels SO GOOD to have something out there validate my experience as a Thriver. Through this course, I am finally learning how to give myself permission to really embody Thriver values.
What’s coming up for me right now is feeling incredibly lost about the work itself that I do. The current job I have now is an amazing job. It offers: An amazing work environment, wonderful coworkers (they’re family to me), great pay/benefits/vacation/sick time, A LOT of flexibility and autonomy, stability, and I only work 30 hrs/week and get Fridays-Sundays off. It’s really a dream when you look at it from the outside. But I HATE the actual work I do. I’m a mediation assistant, and most of my time is spent doing rote admin/clerical paperwork. It is soul sucking for me to do this. It is the same thing every single day/week. I do get to actually mediate some cases, but that’s only once or so per week, and to be honest, I don’t want to do it more than that. When I look around at the other positions in the department, I don’t feel a desire to be in any of those positions. I kind of fell into this job because someone else told me I’d be good at mediating, so I studied conflict resolution and communication in school, got the degree, and landed this job. I’ve learned a great deal from the work and the people, but I know this is not where I want to be for much longer. I feel dread going to work because the actual work is just not mentally stimulating enough for me.
So I guess ideally, I’d love to find a job that offers all of the wonderful attributes of my current job, but also has work that offers mental and/or physical engagement of some sort. I just don’t know what that work is supposed to look like. I’m feeling tired of going into jobs just because it’s something I’m “good at.” I’d like to at least enjoy the actual work that I’m doing, but I still want to have the values my Thriver soul craves met. Any advice on how to determine where to start with figuring out what work I might find that offers ALL of those values (specifically fun and creativity, since that is seriously lacking at my current job)?
Thanks much! This course couldn’t have come at a better time in my life.
January 11, 2017 at 3:41 pm #259Kristen W
ModeratorHi Kayla!
It makes me so happy to hear that you’re finally embracing your Thriver values!! That’s so powerful, and it feels so much better to accept who you are than to try to become something/someone you’re not.
I can see why you’re having this internal struggle right now. You’re current job is set-up to be perfect for a Thriver — the shortened work hours, the long weekends, the stable paycheck, the great vacation time, etc. But if you’re miserable doing the actual day-to-day work, then a 30-hour workweek can quickly feel twice that long!
You said you’d really like a job that incorporates more fun and creativity, since those are most lacking at your current job, so I’m thinking it would first be helpful for you to define what fun and creativity look like in an ideal work setting for you. What does it mean to have fun at work? What kinds of things could you be doing that would make your workday more fun? What kinds of people would you like to be interacting with? What kind of variety would make things more interesting? How about creativity? What kinds of tasks or projects make you feel creative? What characteristics would you love to experience in creative coworkers? What does creativity mean to you in a workplace? The more clearly you can answer these questions, the better fuel you’ll have for your job search. Sure, you can search for “fun” and “creative” jobs, but you’ll get MUCH better results if you search for more specific phrases that describe how you’d like to have fun and be creative at work. Does that make sense?
I also want to mention, even though you didn’t directly ask about this, that what you’re asking for is NOT too much. Even though your current job has a lot or perks doesn’t mean you have to settle for doing something that completely bores you day-in and day-out. You don’t have to sacrifice flexibility and vacation time for a job that interests you. In fact, I’d say that the more fun & creative jobs are often the ones that come with a lot of flexibility and a great culture! Those things tend to go hand-in-hand. So many people fear that they have to choose between a job that’s stable & flexible or a job they enjoy, and I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be one or the other. It’s not asking too much to have both, and I have every faith that you’ll find the right combo for you!
Thanks for asking this question — I know it’s one that other people will relate to. So glad you enjoyed this course! 🙂
January 11, 2017 at 5:59 pm #261Kayla B
ParticipantHi Kristen!
Those are such great questions! I am going to have to take some time and be very thoughtful about answering them. One of the difficulties I have in answering them is that I haven’t worked in jobs before that have offered a lot of fun or creativity, so it’s hard to know what that feels and looks like in a job setting. I certainly know what I find fun and what provides creative opportunities in my life outside of work, so maybe I need to think about what it would feel like to have a job that offers those same kinds of opportunities for fun and creativity, but in a work environment (that was a terribly formulated sentence, but hopefully you understand what I mean! Hahaha).
Thank you for the great questions and for the insight. It is beyond helpful!
January 13, 2017 at 9:33 am #262Kristen W
ModeratorHey Kayla! I’m so glad those questions are helpful! I agree — if you haven’t experienced much fun and creativity in a workplace before, you can absolutely draw from your personal life and get creative (see what I did there?? lol) about how those things could fit into a work setting. Or maybe you can remember previous projects that you worked on in school, or for a volunteer organization, or even in past jobs (you may have been bored by the job, but enjoyed one aspect of it or a certain project) that were really engaging. It’s also perfectly OK to look outside of your own life for inspiration and see what parts of other people’s jobs you think would be fun and creative. (I recently wrote a blog about using jealousy to clarify what you want for yourself that might help.)
Hope that sparks some ideas for when you sit down to consider your answers to these questions!
January 19, 2017 at 9:17 pm #268Karee V
ParticipantHi there!
I have really enjoyed this course and feel much more hopeful about my future, but there is still one thing I’m unsure about. I’m clear on my limiting beliefs, my values, and my non-negotiables and feel ready to start keeping my eye open for those 9-10 opportunities, but I still am not sure what I want to do which adds some complexity to the job search. I’m a Thriver and can cleary see where I’ve cleary been challenged with overwhelming responsibilities and challenging balance in my previos leadership roles, and am not quite sure where I want to go from here. Any suggestions on how to tackle this would be great!
Thank you!
January 20, 2017 at 1:08 pm #270Kristen W
ModeratorHi Karee,
I’m so happy to hear that you’re feeling more hopeful about your future and are ready to start paying attention to 9 or 10 opportunities as they show up! It’s perfectly understandable that you’re still feeling a bit unsure about WHAT you want to be doing in your next job.
It sounds like you’re pretty clear about HOW you want to be working in the next phase of your career (based on your Thriver values), which is awesome. That was the main point of this Short Course, to help you get clear on HOW you should be working, based on your values & strengths. And now, naturally, you want to get clear on specifically WHAT you’d like to be doing — what kind of work would make you feel engaged, excited, and valuable. If at all possible, I would really recommend that you join us for the Passion Plan Virtual Experience, which opens for enrollment in a little over a week — it’s meant to be the “next level” course beyond this one, and it’s main purpose is to help you figure out WHAT you’re passionate about. (The Short Course is about HOW you should be working, and the Virtual Experience is WHAT you’re passionate about.) That entire course is really meant to help you answer the question you just asked! (Plus, as a Short Course member, you’re going to get a pretty huge discount on the Virtual Experience, BTW! Make sure to check your inbox on Monday the 30th.)
In the meantime, I suggest thinking back to previous jobs, projects, classes you took in school, etc., to see if you can identify a “common thread” of what felt really great, fun, and natural for you. It doesn’t need to be something as clear-cut as “medicine” or “teaching” or “fitness.” It might be a bit more broad, like “encouraging people,” “brainstorming ideas,” or “creative thinking.” See if anything emerges when you look back over your previous experience through this lens, and that might be a good place to at least start exploring. And if you join us for the Virtual Experience coming up, we’ll be taking you step-by-step through how to do that!
Hope that helps! 🙂
January 23, 2017 at 11:02 am #272Karee V
ParticipantThanks so much Kristen! I had been considering the next PPV course, so this gives me an extra incentive to join!
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