Mariko T
Forum Replies Created
Mariko T
Thank you so much for your response! Yes, this has been so validating! I have a job in which I help people all day, and to be quite honest I’ve been feeling like I must be a terrible person for not being more fulfilled by that. I already feel better about my current work situation just by getting rid of some of that guilt!
You are definitely right about me loving to be constantly learning – I was already planning my continuing education moves even before I had my PT license in my hands. 😉 Currently I’m thinking about taking some writing classes (I wanted to be a writer as a kid!) with the eventual goal of writing about health/health care, as well as looking into helping out at a local PT school since I was a tutor during school and LOVED it. Your idea about a virtual program would be AWESOME if I could figure out the logistics of it! And of course I have a ton of other vague ideas for the future, but I’m trying not to get distracted by TOO many shiny objects at once…
I imagine that once I find a balance of activities that fit me better, I’ll actually have MORE energy for all the music, dance, and artsy things I love to do on the side (and then I can figure out if I want to try to earn money with any of those, or if doing so would ruin things for my secondary Thriver).
Anyway, those are my current thoughts. There have definitely been ups and downs throughout this whole process, but your course has helped me to at least understand myself better and narrow down my options, which has made everything feel way more manageable. One of the most important things I’ve had to learn is to pace myself and say “no” to some opportunities in order to conserve energy for bigger priorities. Frustrating, sure, but (mostly) doable.
Thank you again for all the wisdom!
Mariko T
First of all, thank you both so much for all the great insight you’ve shared with us – I’m already much happier just knowing I’m not alone!
So for background, I am a definite Side Hustler, and also relate to parts of all the other ‘types’ (like we do). I hugely value freedom and autonomy like the Firestarters, love helping people and working with a really passionate team like the Tribe Members, and value money primarily as a means to support my lifestyle like the Thrivers.
The issue is that I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, so essentially if I become too overwhelmed, I tend to trigger a flare-up of increased pain and fatigue. Some days I struggle to even get out of bed, and it’s been difficult having to learn to limit my activity level when I used to be able to do so much more. As you can probably imagine, this is extremely frustrating for someone who is a Side Hustler at heart, and some days I just feel so angry that my body has betrayed me by being unable to keep up.
Currently, I am working as a physical therapist, and fortunately I can afford to work part-time and enjoy my life outside of work (like a Thriver). But it definitely isn’t an ideal job in general, not just because it’s not a great Passion Profile fit, but also the physicality and stress of it can sometimes trigger a flare-up (and it isn’t as though I have the freedom to work from home on my flared-up days).
Anyway, the essence of my question is: do you have any suggestions for Side Hustlers who CAN’T just keep running like the energizer bunny? How is it possible to reconcile the need for true rest and recuperation with the drive to always be learning, creating, and accomplishing? And how can I find/create a job (or combination of jobs) that supports both of these needs?