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Kristen W

Hey Brianne!

You shared so many great thoughts! I’m going to answer your questions the way you numbered them:

1) When it comes to your art, it seems clear that you don’t want to put a lot of pressure on it. You don’t want strict deadlines or restrictions — you just want to create what inspires you and feels good. Which also makes me think that asking your art to fund your life probably isn’t the best idea for you (at least right now). So while you might end up turning your art into a side business, I wouldn’t start with that. Start by simply giving yourself a few hours a week of “no expectations creative time” (I wrote a blog about this topic you can read here). For now, don’t put any pressure on your art to “be something” or turn out a certain way. And you don’t even have to limit yourself to one medium! Play around with your art, and allow your curiosity and inspiration to lead the way, instead of your logical mind. Then see where it takes you over time.

2) I was so happy to see that you signed up for our other program (the PPVE) because we’re going to be helping you answer this exact question throughout that course! So while I have SO MUCH to say on this topic, you can trust that you will have answers to this question at the end of the PPVE. So excited you decided to join us! 🙂

3) Again, it’s awesome that you joined us for the PPVE, because you really WILL be part of a passion group there. So that was a great step in this direction. In terms of getting paid to be involved in something like this, it’s absolutely possible for you to be an administrative assistant or graphic designer or project coordinator or any number of other jobs for a business you love who’s doing great work in the world. I know a LOT of entrepreneurs/business owners in the self-help/spiritual/personal-growth world who have virtual teams to support their business. That could be an interesting option for you! Then you wouldn’t be in charge of the whole business, but you could support a person/team/mission that you really believe in. Just an idea!

4) I gave a few examples of Thriver-esque support roles in #3 above, and it’s hard to come up with examples because there are SO MANY. Literally, anything that allows you to do your work without being responsible for an entire project or people counts. A few super broad examples are things like assistants, coordinators, specialists, creatives, etc. There is no such thing as a “Thriver job,” and I don’t want to give you overly specific examples because I don’t want to limit your options — any job/company that aligns with the values of a Thriver and that also intersects with your natural interests would probably be a good fit.

Again, we’ll be getting more into WHAT you’re passionate about in the PPVE (vs. this course, which was about HOW your passion and career intersect), so I’m excited you decided to join us! 🙂