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Jennifer C

Hi Kristen,

I completed the PPSC this week. I’m a Tribe member with some Thriver. However, I think I’m currently in a firestarter role. I’m a partner in a startup company. I’m the Director of Finance, however I wear many hats. It’s a really small team and I make a lot of decisions for the company which I like. I’ve been with my team for almost four years and they are absolutely great team members. However, I work remotely and have discovered through the course that I am not broken like I feel, I’m just meant to work with other humans. Since I’m in MO and the rest of the team works out of various places in CA there’s not a great way to problem solve this or think of it in different ways. Unfortunately, it got so bad for me this week that I couldn’t physically bring myself to do the work I needed to. I’m completely drained at the end of each day. I think I would be fine working on my projects if I wasn’t on my own. I spoke to my business partner today and we’ll take a couple weeks to try and figure out something like part time, however I’m just not sure when/if to completely quit. It pains me to think about leaving this team. I don’t know if I’d now thrive in an office setting either since I want flexibility and I have not had a boss in 6 years. It doesn’t help that I recently moved and am trying to make some friends in a new town. There is also the possibility of going into business with my husband, which would give me 100% more human contact than I currently have and would allow for flexibility and to be my own boss. I think we could be profitable in a year’s time and we have the financial backing to support us in that year, and it’s a low cost startup. I would be able to strategize and collaborate with one team member, my husband. I know we’d work well together because we’ve done it before. And, I often work out of his office so I’m not home alone. However, I’m also not sure if one team member is enough, so I was hoping to also start volunteering somewhere and going to meetup groups to expand my social circle, which is super tiny at the moment. Any thoughts or advice is appreciated! Thanks!