The Passion Profile Short Course has a new home!
If you previously purchased the Passion Profile Short Course and are trying to access your course content, simply email us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to set you up on our upgraded membership platform!
In case you were wondering...
"Do I need to use the same username and password to create my new account?"
Nope! Since you're creating a brand new account, you can use whatever username and password you'd like. 
"Am I getting all the same content with my new account?"
Yep, you'll have access to all the same course content, PLUS we've upgraded to a more interactive community platform (instead of the forum feature) where you can connect with us and other course participants.
"Why did you decide to move to a new membership platform?"
We wanted to provide a more user-friendly and interactive experience for our PPSC members, which is what motivated us to make the change.
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